Sunday, May 31, 2009

my preface

Once upon a time, there was innocence. There was Adam, and there was Eve, and before the apple, there was innocence. But there is always evil, lurking in the shadows even in the most pure and godliest places.
What most people don’t know about the story of Adam and Eve and their garden is the story of the apple seeds. When Eve first fell under the spell of the snake, she was so shocked at how delicious this forbidden fruit was that she dropped the apple, and a seed fell out of the apple and disappeared into the grass.
Immediately Eve was tainted by the spell in the forbidden fruit, and she ran to find Adam and plucked a ripe, red apple for him from the tree.
Once Adam bit into the apple, he too was startled by the taste that was dancing on his tongue that he dropped his apple, and another seed fell into the ground. God descended upon them then, and, well, you know the rest of the story.
But what you don’t know is the story about what happened over the next few years. The seeds grew into trees, side by side, and as the garden of Eden was forgotten by the children of Adam and Eve, the two trees twisted together, supporting each other as though twins, holding each other up, forever scarring the fate of the universe.

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