Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Nona's Confession

So i'm thinking bout how I can work everything into the story and this is what I Have so far. That the Grandmother - Nona - tells Evie these weird stories and when Evie researches them, most of them end up being true. HEre's something I wrote today. What do u guys think?

“Yes, dearie?”
“How did you go blind?” She was still for a second.
“You really want to know?” Her voice came out in a harsh whisper.
“Yes,” I said breathlessly. She nodded.
“Come here darling. Hold my hand. It’s difficult to relive it, but it’s time to talk about it.” I scooted off the worn red couch to sit at her feet, my back pressed against her legs, my hand in hers.
“Evie, do you believe in Vampires? Werewolves? Witches?”
“Good. Because if you didn’t you’d be a fool. You know I was in Italy for a long long time right?”
“Yes” I repeated.
“Did anyone ever tell you why?”
“No, Nona. They just told me you needed a vacation.” She chuckled.
“Vacation my ass. I was researching.”
“Researching what?” There was a pause.
“Vampires.” My back stiffened.
“Go on,” I said in a hushed whisper.
“Well, I lived in Salem, Massachusetts for a while. I grew up next door to my best friend, Bessie. Her family was supposedly Witches that dated back to the Salem Witch Trials. They were one of the lucky few who got away.
“One day, Bessie invited me over to meet her Grandmother. While there, she told us an old legend.” Nona paused for a second, her hands moving slowly around on the table next to her and finally coming to a rest on the glass of water. Carefully she raised it to her lips and took a sip before feeling for the table again, placing it down gently.
“She told us that her grandmother had been involved with some dark, dark magick and that the priest that started the Salem Witch Trials wasn’t a priest at all – it was a vampire. He wanted his revenge on the witches, as well as many many more vampires.”
“Revenge?” I asked. She nodded.
“What do you know of the Bubonic Plague?” She asked.
“Not much. Why?”
“Do you know of the symptoms?” I thought for a minute.
“Yes. Swelling in the glands, and red marks on the skin that turned to black.” Nona nodded.
“Yes,” she said softly. “Bessie’s grandmother told us that the plague was actually vampirism being spread. Now, in case you didn’t know, witches are all about the balance between good and evil, night and day and such.
“Well, when the coven found out about the outbreak of vampirism going on in Europe, they became wary and scared. They were put on this planet to balance out the world, so they created something else to keep the vampires in line. Not to kill them, but to keep the world at ease.”
“What did they create, Nona?” Suddenly I was scared, unsure if I wanted to know the answer.
“How?!” I asked, sitting up straight.
“No one knows for sure, but witches were very powerful creatures. Anything is possible. The legend goes to tell that the witches created the werewolves, but like every creation with a human mind, the werewolves grew quickly out of control. They became their own species of human, separating themselves from the witches all together. They began to massacre the vampires.
“Fearful for their life, the High Witch gathered the covens and all of them fled to America. The High Witch – who, by the way, was the one who began the creation of werewolves – settled in Salem. After the “plague” ended in Europe all together – thanks to the werewolves – some vampires traveled to America and started to plot against the witches, which is how the Salem Witch Trials occurred. They were looking for the High Witch, knowing that if they killed her, then all witches’ powers would be eliminated. Of course the plan backfired, and as soon as the Prime Vampire realized that they were getting frantic and killing innocent people – as well as witches – he made them stop, and the vampires dispersed across America and nothing was thought of it again.
“The story stayed with me forever, as it will with you. So as soon as I was old enough I went to Italy to find out as much as possible. I wanted to find out if it was true.” She paused.
“Was it?” I asked breathlessly.
“Yes, my dear. I found that out the hard way.” There was a moment of silence before the puzzle pieces clicked together.
“Nona,” I gasped. “What happened to you!?” She patted my hand before continuing.
“I witnessed something I wasn’t supposed to see. His name was Vincent, and I had fallen in love with him. It wasn’t long before I put it together that he was exactly what I was looking for.
“I followed him one night, desperate for answers, and boy did I find them. I remember it like it was yesterday; he had disappeared down an alley and when I peaked down there, he was crouched over something. I went to go take a step in, to see if he was hurt or something, but then a vicious snarl stopped me in my tracks. A huge black wolf came flying out of no where, knocking me down and hurling itself at Vincent. I cried out to warn him, but my warning cry turned into a cry of terror as I saw his fangs, and the thing he had been crouching over.” She shuddered, and I squeezed her hand in reinsurance.
“Then what?”
“Then I watched the man – no, vampire – I loved die. I watched as the werewolf ripped him to shreds, and then the wolf turned into a man and set the pieces on fire and dragged the body behind a pile of garbage. That’s when he finally saw me, his cold blue eyes narrowed at me as I still sat on the ground where he had knocked me down. He began to walk over to me and as he did I could hear his bones snapping as he shifted in back into a wolf. I didn’t have time to scream before he threw himself in the air at me, and I closed my eyes and threw my hands up in a pathetic attempt to protect myself.
“I’m not too sure what happened next, but all I know is that I felt something very warm and very safe pull me away, and I heard the yelp of a hurt dog. When I opened my eyes, there was … something … fighting the wolf off. It was a man, I know that. But he was surrounded in glowing white light. He was beautiful, and I watched as he bloodied the wolf’s paw, and the wolf fell down belly up. It was still alive, and probably would of kept fighting, but the being straightened up and pointed in the opposite way the wolf had come from.
“Go.” The being said and the wolf abided. The being came over to me and touched my face, silver tears slipping down its face.
“My dear, my apologies,” he said in plain English. “I am so sor-“ his voice got caught in his throat as he saw the necklace that hung around my neck. The same necklace that hangs around yours, Evie. He picked it up gently and asked as if in awe where I had gotten it from. I stammered, explaining it had been passed down in my family girl to girl for years, and suddenly he looked angry.
“Go back to America child,” he said angrily, but still with some kindness. And there was brilliance – a bright light, and then … nothing. I don’t know how I ended up back home, but I did. And I was blind.”

Monday, March 30, 2009

Another fun fact for today

In the library when I typed in Bubonic Plague, Bram Stoker's Dracula came up.
This is getting eerie.


Ok followers of my chaotic blog; get this!

So my story is morphing into something totally different; i think i have to write a whole new story and meld my ORIGINAL story into the side story. Why you ask? Because of these insane facts I just found.

First of all, the Bubonic Plague was first recorded in 430 B.C. in Egypt. It reached Constaninople in 542 AD where it disappeared again until 1334 AD again in Constaninople. It went on from there - it settled in russia in 1351 where it disappeared before showing up again in 1665 in London. IN 1679 the plague devastated most of Europe before dying out there for good.

However, in 1692 was when the salem witch trials first started in america and ended in 1693. Coincidence how close the dates are, no?

Not only that, but the Plague had popped up again, but not Europe. THe last records of the Plague was in september of 2005 when three lab mice with the bubonic plague symptoms escaped the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey.

I'm thinking I can fit all that into my story. I'm going to the library to find books on the trials and the plague and I'm clearing my old bulletin board to make a story board. Yeah, i'm going ALL out on this story because its insanely creepy how amazing the dates line up.

Can you imagine if all this stuff i'm writing about is really true? Ugh I just got chills =)

I'm also making reference to Twilight and Anne Rice and her Vampires as well as Dracula in my story, and Anne Rice is a vampire lol!

So after I read up on all that stuff, then I'm going to get started on werewolves and arch angels and yadidadida.

I'm soo excited to write this .. hopefully i dont get bored of it! =p

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Vampires, Werewolves, and Archangels OHMY!

So, I'm writing a story. About vampires. And I finally have the outline done. I wana know what you guys think of it so far.

17 year old Evangelina {Evie} Cavitolo moves from New York to somewhere I haven't figured out yet so her family could be closer to her insane blind grandmother. While there, she must become accustomed to a few new things. First of all her parents start going and becoming extremely active in church, something of which they have never had the slightest interest in before. Not only that, but like every new student, Evie must make new friends.

Right off the bat, friendly and good looking Nick Canne asks her to sit with him and his friends at lunch. As she gets closer to them, she realizes that everyone is friends with them, and wants to be part of their little pack, except for one lunch table.

Full of quiet but beautiful people, this other group of friends stays as far away from Nick's posse, as well as everyone else at school. This doesn't stop people from talking about them though.

Evie soon realizes that this group of people aren't welcome in their small town, and she's curious to find out why.

Despite the fact that she's part of Nick's clique, the other clique is drawn to Evie, and she must choose a side.

It isn't until she's faced with this decision when she starts realizing that her batty grandmother may not be so batty afterall; that maybe her old folklore legends are really true, that maybe and possibly vampires and werewolves still stalk the earth today, and that Italy may have it's own secrets hidden deep inside it's depths that makes her question everything around her.

What if the bubonic plague wasn't really a plague at all; it was just the fact that archangles really did walk the earth, and one them saved someone? Someone who wasn't able to control the thirst for blood, and accidentally created a new species of human? Nobody knows what happened between the plague and the rennaissance for sure, and nobody knows how the plague was reigned in. What if it was the werewolves? What if there was a thousand year battle going on between vampires and werewolves, and Evie has just been thrown into the middle of it? If that's the case, where did werewolves come from? And what is up with that creepy church her parent's have been attending?

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

We're not meant to be, But i still love you.

What lies behind us
And what lies Before us
Are small matters compared to
What lies Within us
- Unknown

I think it's pure insanity how people can feel love so intensely and strongly and then BOOM! Just like that, the feelings disappear. It hurts, and it sucks and I don't like it one bit. Not for me, or anyone else out there. If you loved someone as intensely as you once claimed, you should at least be able to put them down gently back on their feet. If you truely loved them, you wouldn't let them go and watch them fall from such great heights. You would be able to place them gently so they don't shatter.

No. Your face is the same. I just don't know what beautiful means anymore. -Ender's Game

My once true love, if you asked me to today, I would hold your hand. But as Juliet once said, My lips have been purged of my sins, except this time I won't ask for them back. My sins that once slept upon my lips now rest on yours as well, and they are in my past as much as you are. I will think about you every day for a while, and then when I meet someone else - because I will, don't doubt it - I will think of you less and less like my once love before you. But don't be worried my favorite, I do think of my once love before you now and then. And I feel a pang of sadness in the empty void that he once filled, so unlike yet similar to the tear of sadness I feel when I think of what we had, what we were and what the future may or may not of held for us. I gave you my everything, and you gave me ... what? A song to play in my ear when I'm missing you, a movie to watch to make me think of you. Nothing I did, nothing I ever could of done could rescue you. Only you can do that, and the selfish boy within isn't going to let you. Until you let go of your past darling, you'll never feel love, and for that, I pity you.
Don't think of me when you play your stupid guitar, or when you watch those movies. Don't think of me when you stand by the ocean, grinning because you know you can conquer it. Don't even think of me when you look up to the vast twilight sky, and not even when you see more stars than you bargained for. Just listen to the song that I kept so secret to myself, like the beat to my heart I hugged it close to my chest, unwilling to share it with you, afraid of your criticism. But not anymore. Just listen for Drops of Jupiter, and think of me then, and only then. Because in a while that's the only damn time I'll be thinking about you.

"Girl, you got Talons."

I don't remember how old I was, but I remember it like it was yesterday. It was at the Yatch Club my family belongs to but never goes to anymore. All of us little kids who used to hang out there were playing tag in the old wooden locker rooms. We would hide in the open lockers and race our hearts out to the base. Every now and then a worried mother would yell in "Watch out for splinters!" And we'd nod solemnly to each other. We all knew about splinters.

I had been hiding with my one of my friends - whose name I can't even remember - when the tagger moved past our locker. I poked my head out to make sure he was safely around the corner before grabbing my friends hand and we sprinted to base. As we waited for everyone else to catch up with us, I felt an aching pain in my foot, and when I inspected it I found a splinter - a good 4 or 5 inches long - sticking out of my foot. It didn't even hurt.

Limping, I left the game and went over to a lifeguard and pointed to my foot. She looked like she was going to pass out. The splinter was in my foot good, half in half out.

"This is guna hurt" she admitted as I sat in the green plastic chair, both my hands clutching one of the arm rests. I shrugged and she began to pick away at the skin at the bottom of my foot with tweezers. It took about 2 hours for them to get it out, and the whole time I sat still and motionless. I didn't feel a thing.

"Girl, you got Talons." One of the lifeguards remarked taking a sip of her coke. I just smiled at her, and hoped I would get a cool scar to show off to my friends. When the splinter was out, they bandaged up my foot and I asked if I'd have a scar. Much to my dismay, they replied with a "not likely", so I asked if i could keep the splinter.

Looking at my foot now, they were right; I don't have a scar. But I still have that damn splinter. And I still got those damn talons.