Monday, April 27, 2009


im having some serious writers block =(

Sunday, April 19, 2009

new names

sooo I'm thinking about changing the main character's name to Vivian cuz I think Evangelina is waaaaaaaaay too over the top.

and I think my pen name might b Alice Rose Lipsky

cuz every great person in history is named Alice;

Alice Cooper

Alice in Chains

Alice Cullen

Alice in Wonderland

Alice Lipsky .. the new face of greatness

i like it =)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Another Nifty Fact

So I was reading this book I checked out of the library called Witch Hunt; Mysteries of the Salem Witch Trials by Marc Aronson, and I came across a really interesting piece of information, one that might be extremely vital to my story.

"The Puritans' mission in America was the clearest in the early days of their New England settlements. The Puritans had arrived on ships. Built of long wooden planks, their churchers were like simple wooden boats on land, safeguarding the believers inside. And, as one of their descendants, Nathaniel Hawthorne, wrote, when one of them killed a wolf, he claimed his reward by nailing it "on the porch of the meetinghouse," where the blood would drip onto the doorstep. This balance of simple strength and fierce combat was the essence of Puritanism."

It goes on to describe how the Puritans had a brutal war with the Indians (the Natives).

I did some quick research and found on this website the following info

"Puritans believed in witches and their ability to harm others. They defined witchcraft as entering into a compact with the devil in exchange for certain powers to do evil. Thus, witchcraft was considered a sin because it denied God’s superiority, and a crime because the witch could call up the Devil in his/her shape to perform cruel acts against others. Therefore, in any case when witchcraft was suspected, it was important that it was investigated thoroughly and the tormentor(s) identified and judged."

A Few Questions: What if the Puritans were really the Vampires seeking their revenge on the witches after they created the werewolves to keep the vamps in line.
And what if the wolf head tacked on the door of the meetinghouse wasn't just a wolf head? What if it was half human? But not the werewolf we expect. Not the one from Europe. What if it was something to do with the natives? What if the natives aren't ALL human?

Thursday, April 9, 2009


oh, and another thing - i'm still not too sure about the location i picked for the book. I figured I'd use Potsdam because when I was talking to my Mom about writing the book, we were talking about how almost all vampire books take place in the south. Like Anne Rice usually is in New Orleans, and True Blood is in Louissianna. The only one that didn't was Twilight. So right now it's in Potsdam since I know the area well, but it will most likely change later on in the story. Any suggestions?

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Introducing the Vampires

So i've been working on a few things (mostly during school, but don't tell mom and dad!!) It's been kinda hard so i've been toying around for a few ideas on how to introduce the vampires. THis is the first final rough copy i have, and yes yes i know its almost exactly like Twilight, but like i said this is a ROUGH copy. I'm still working on it. This is just sort of my guideline you kno? Anyway, tell me what you think =)

“Eva!” Nick said, waving me over with his hand. I cringed at the nickname before dragging my feet over to his table.
“Guys, move over,” he said with a smile shoving everyone down the bench. I hesitated, not sure if they would accept me into their group, but my fears where squashed when they all turned to me with smiling eyes. Nick patted a spot on the bench next to him and I somehow managed to squeeze in between him and a girl in my chemistry class named Kelsey.
“So, how do you like Potsdam?” Kelsey asked, her green eyes sparkling with curiosity.
I hate it. It sucks, I hate the cold, and I miss the beach. I hate being here. I just want to go home, I thought to myself. Instead I blinked the forming tears in my eyes and gave her a pathetic excuse for a smile.
“It’s … different.” I said. She opened her mouth to say something, but Nick cut her off.
“What was Bayport like?” He asked. I closed my eyes and smiled.
“I hated it, honestly. I couldn’t wait to get out.” I opened my eyes and looked into his pale blue ones. “It’s one of those towns you hate while you’re there, but you love when you’re away. It was so tiny, but I guess it had its own kind of charm. Like how from any place in town you could walk to the beach easily, and how in the summer it always had a certain salty smell to it. We didn’t have a movie theatre, or even a bowling alley. We had a Starbucks, about seven gas stations, five nail salons, a psychic and two dance centers. I actually miss it a lot.” Nick nodded.
“Well, hopefully we can make you feel right at home,” he said with a smile squeezing my hand. I grinned and rolled my eyes at him.
“Ew. Do you smell that?” Said a girl who had introduced herself as Kelly. She wrinkled her freckled nose and looked pointedly at something over my shoulder. Everyone turned to look, and it was as if the whole cafeteria was silent as 15 or so people walked in and sat at the only empty table; as if it was reserved just for them. They were all beautiful, and pale. Wait, that was silly. Everybody here was pale, especially compared to me. But it was as if they were pale in a different way. Not in a way that said that they lacked the Vitamin D they needed, but in a delicate, beautiful way. I had noticed one of the girls in my English class earlier. I had sat next to her in the back of the classroom, admiring her long blond curls as they fell over her shoulder and cascaded down her back. She was quiet, but it didn’t seem to be in a bored or shy way. It was almost defensive. Sitting next to her was, well, probably the most breathtaking person I have ever seen – he had straight dark hair that fell over into one of his cold green eyes. He stared back at me, unashamed and I could feel a blush crawling into my cheeks as he bit his bottom lip and his eyes widen as he looked me up and down, even as I sat.
I was pulled back to earth by an uproar of laughter coming from the table I was sitting at.
“What did I miss?” I asked with a shy smile.
“Nothing. Joe just made a joke about them,” Nick said jerking his thumb over his shoulder at the table I had just been staring at.
“Oh yeah? You guys don’t like them or something?” I asked, taking a bite of my salad. An awkward silence fell over the table for a moment.
“Something like that,” Kelsey said. She smiled at me before returning to her peanut butter and banana sandwich. I glanced at Nick curiously but he seemed to be concentrating very hard on his food.
After lunch, I ignored Nick and Kelsey’s offers to walk me to math. They were going to gym, and I knew that it was on the other side of the school. Instead, I walked behind the girl I sat next to in English, another girl with dark red hair and a boy whose black straight hair kept falling into his eyes.
“Are you sure it’s her?” The blond asked. The girl with the red hair turned to look at the boy and he nodded.
“Can’t you feel it?” He asked. “All the signs say so. I’ll see you later,” he said slipping into a classroom with the redhead. I watched them shut the door behind them before running to catch up to the blond.
“Hi,” I said nervously. She turned suddenly, her big brown eyes widening in surprise.
“Oh! Hello,” she said with a smile. “You’re Evangelina right? I’m Caroline. I think we have English together.” I smiled back.
“Yeah, that’s me. I’m just wondering if you know where room 302 is.” I asked, holding out my schedule shyly.
“Oh! I’m going there too! Come on I’ll show you.” She gestured for me to follow and I happily shoved my map and schedule into my back pocket.
“So how do you like Potsdam?” She asked. I shrugged.
“It’s okay. It’s so … “ I trailed off trying to find the right word.
“Cold? Boring? Ready to gouge your eyes out with a rusty spoon?” Caroline suggested. I laughed.
“Yeah something like that.” I said with a smile as we entered the math room.
“Want to sit in the back with me? Mr. Frey is such a bore.” Caroline looked at me with a smile. I caught Kelsey’s eye over her shoulder, who was trying to point to a seat she saved for me.
“Sure” I told Caroline and followed her to the back.
I only had two more periods to go after that, art and history, and when I got to art I could tell that Kelsey was not happy when I sat down at the table next to her.
“I saved a seat for you,” she shot at me. I winced.
“I didn’t want to be rude to Caroline,” I said apologetically. She rolled her eyes.
“If you hang out with them, people will talk Eva. Nobody likes them here,” she hissed as the dark haired boy I noticed earlier walked by with the red head that was holding hands with a dark puppy dog faced boy. The three of them sat down at a table in a way where I was facing the dark haired boy. Our eyes locked and I gasped softly. His eyes were so deep and beautiful, something I hadn’t noticed before. I was aware that my mouth was probably hanging open like a dead fish and immediately shut it with a tiny pop.
“Eva,” Nick said with a smile, sitting down across from me, blocking my view of the boy. I blinked.
“Oh, hey.” I said with a smile.
“Are you artistic at all?” He asked with a smile, pushing a drawing pad and charcoal pencil my way. I shrugged.
“It’s a hobby.”
“Okay everyone. We’re doing portraits. So partner up.” The art teacher, Mr. Blandt said. He stopped at our table.
“Evangelina, is it?” He asked peering down at me through thick rimmed glasses. I smiled up at him.
“She likes Eva,” Nick put in, and I winced but didn’t bother to correct the statement.
“Eva it is then. Do you mind working with CJ?” The dark haired boy looked up sharply as Nick narrowed his eyes.
“Oh, not at all,” I said breathlessly. Shyly I gathered my things and went over to sit across from him.
“Hello,” he said, his cold deep green eyes scanning over my face. I blushed.
“Hi,” I whispered, pulling my sketchpad towards me. When I looked up to introduce myself formally, I was startled to find that he was already working. I blinked and shook my head, taking my charcoal pencil in my hand and began to sketch him, only glancing when I had to therefore reducing the blush meter.
“You’re Evie, yes?” CJ asked. I looked up at him sharply.
“Do you know my grandmother?” I asked, bewildered. He looked surprised at the question, and then completely confused.
“No, should I?” He asked. I shook my head.
“No. It’s just that she’s the only one that calls me Evie. Everyone here calls me Eva,” I explained. A flash of anger whipped across his face before he made it completely smooth. I leaned back in surprise. Why did he look so angry?
“Would you prefer Eva?” Again I shook my head.
“Not at all. I love Evie.” I said softly before ducking my head back to my work.